Sunday, November 15, 2015

Week 12 Review

It has been a while since I have done a review extra credit post. I have checked all of my declarations, labels, and have also backed up my blog. I was glancing over the week’s announcements and noticed that you said you would like us to finish this class early so we can worry about all of our other classes. That is exactly what I am doing today. I have finished enough assignments so that I just have to finish my storybook to get the points I need for an A.

Here is my favorite image from the announcements. It reminds me of all college students because we tend to procrastinate a little too much.

Famous Last Words: Week 12

The semester has been busy and it has been a while since I have done one of the Last Word assignments. This week I decided to continue my reading of the comic books. I read 6 comic books this week so that I could work ahead and finish early this semester. I had enough time throughout the week to complete one comic book a day. I then wrote my reading diaries and submitted them all at once. I think working ahead helps me get the work done in an efficient and non-stressful way. By spacing the work out I can make sure that I can read the comics thoroughly to get the most out of them.

My best writing for the week has to be from my storybook. I have enjoyed writing and exploring the character of Ravana throughout the semester. I think making the storybook was a fun experience. I got to add some cool details to Ravana’s story and make up some plot twists. I have one more story to go and my storybook will be complete.

My other classes are getting extremely busy at this time of the semester. It is crunch time and every point matters at this point. I am trying to finish this class early so that I can focus all of my attention on other classes. I have calculated my grade and will only need to add one story and revise the story the next week to achieve an A in this class. I have learned a lot about India through this class and I am glad that I chose to take it. It is a good creative outlet from my rigorous science courses.

This week I also attended a Diwali Show. It was cool to see my sister and many of my friends perform for this festival. I had a great time at the show. 

Here is an image of the facebook picture used to publisize the Diwali show I went to:

Reading Diary B: Ghatotkacha

One of the characters I have always wanted to learn more about is Ghatotkacha. He is the son of Bhima from the Pandeva brothers. It is crazy to see how big of a role he has in the Pandeva’s success in this comic book. He has so many amazing powers that help him throughout the story. In the end he dies a heroic death in the fight between the Kauravas and the Pandevas. He is one of my new facorite characters from the epics I have read so far.

Here is an image of the might Ghatotkacha on the cover of the comic book I read:

Title: Ghatotkacha
Year: 1974

Author: Amar Chitra Katha

Reading Diary A: Hanuman to the Rescue

I have been reading a lot of comic books today. I am trying to get my reading diaries done before the semester gets really busy. Today I read Hanuman to the Rescue. This comic book adds a lot of detail to the time Hanuman retrieves the herbs from the mountain to save Lakshmana. He has to battle many warriors, carry a mountain, and even stop the sun from moving so that he can get back in time. In the end Lakshmana is saved.

Here is an image of the might Hanuman on the title page of the comic book I read:

Title: Hanuman to the Rescue
Year: 1981

Author: Amar Chitra Katha

Reading Diary B: Subhadra

Today I read another one of Amar Chitra Katha’s comic books called Subhadra.This story focuses on Arjuna’s exile after he interrupted his brother’s and Draupadi’s time together. He ventures off and learns that his rival Duryodhana Kaureva like Krishna’s sister. HE then makes a plan to steal his girl. Arjuna disguises himself as a sanyasi to test the field out a little bit. Subhadra falls in love with the sanyasi and prefers him to Duryodhana. Krishna then makes a plan for Arjuna to steal his sister away. What a weird story. I think it would be cool if Duryodhana recognizes Arjuna’s disguise and they end up fighting for Subhadra.

Here is a picture of the comic book I read:

Title: Subhadra
Year: 1975
Author: Amar Chitra Katha