Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Reflections: Looking Forward

So far my experiences in this class have been very enjoyable. It provides me with a creative outlet and is a nice break from all of my tough science courses. Looking forward, there are a couple areas I would like to improve on. With writing I think my content is good. One weakness I have is bad grammar and I need to get better at proofreading my work. In the area of reading I think I am doing decent. I am going to try to have a better reading schedule for the next half of the semester. I believe that I give great constructive criticism to my classmates so that they can improve their writing. My grade in this class is where I want it to be. I did a lot of extra credit at the beginning of the semester just in case I would miss an assignment or two down the road. I will try to do some more extra credit such as Growth Mindset and Curation.

Here is a motivational image that I think is funny.


  1. Hey Aakash!
    This class is pretty good at being a creative outlet. It's definitely a nice break from so many science courses. I have bad grammar myself, and I'm the laziest person ever so I neglect editing my posts. Sometimes I just want to finish the assignment that I ignore the editing. Keeping a consistent reading schedule is tough when science courses get in the way. I'm assuming that the science courses take priority over this class, that's at least how I prioritize. It would help a lot to write down a reading schedule just so that it's more concrete.

  2. Aakash, I definitely could work on my proofreading too! Sometimes even if I read over my work a few times, I’ll miss sill mistakes. I also wish I had more time to do extra credit assignments; I was able to do a few at the beginning of the semester and really learned a lot from them. I hope this course continues to be a creative outlet for you!
