Thursday, August 27, 2015

Storybook Favorites

The first story I chose is “Stories of an Elephant-headed God.” I remember a little bit of the story from when my uncle told it to me when I was a child. The title is very effective at letting me know what the Storybook about because this whole Storybook revolves around Ganesha. I like the idea of writing a poem for the introduction. I thought this was an extremely effective way of getting the readers familiar with the story of Ganesha. It is a creative way of setting the stage for the remainder of the Storybook. I also enjoyed reading the poem. I have glanced at the other parts of the storybook and they are all in poem form. The layout of this Storybook is a poem telling a story about Ganesha accompanied by an illustration of the story. The layout of this storybook is very easy to navigate. I might draw ideas from this Storybook such as the poetic style and the layout.

The next story I chose is “A Calendar of Enchantment.” I think the image of the festival of colors drew my attention to the Storybook. I am familiar with many of these festivals because my family and I celebrate some of them. I thought it would be interesting to learn more about these festivals. When I read the title I knew that the Storybook was going to be about several holidays celebrated in India. The introduction does a good job of explaining what the story will be about. It gives a general overview of all the events that will be covered in the Storybook. I like the graphic included which is a calendar of all of the holidays. I have glanced at the rest of the Storybook and I like how the author tells the significance of each holiday with several interesting images. The design of the Storybook is very easy to navigate.  I might draw ideas from this Storybook such as the layout and the use of images.

The next story I chose is “Shadows of the Ishvara.” The image used on the cover of this storybook gave me the idea that this story was going to be about a quest a hero goes on. I posted this picture because it is very captivating and attention grabbing. I thought it would be interesting so I checked it out. The title does not tell me much about what the book is going to be about but that might be because I have not read the whole storybook. My favorite part of this Storybook so far is the introduction. It is very well written and makes me want to read the rest of the story. I like the color schemes and the unique images the author uses in each part of the story. The design of the Storybook is very easy to navigate.  I might draw ideas from this Storybook such as the layout and the use of images. 

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