Monday, September 7, 2015

Growth Mindset Challenge Week 2

This week I applied Growth Mindset to a variety of things that I have done. I can see this new mindset affecting a variety of aspects in my life. Three places I could see it having the greatest impact are school, and athletics.

Getting an education is the main focus of my life right now. I want to obtain a degree so that I can stand on my own feet and do something that I love. The path the I chose is that of a physician. I know that this path will be extremely difficult with many obstacles in the way. I have heard from friends that medical school is the most stressful experience they have had in their lives. I will try to apply growth mindset to this aspect of my life. Every time I encounter a challenge I will remind myself that it is pushing me to get better at what I want to do. Hopefully this mindset reduces any future stress that I will experience.

Another aspect of my life that I can apply growth mindset to is athletics. I have always been a pretty average athletic player. I could hold my ground in all sports because I am naturally fast. One of the toughest parts of sports for me is strength component. This year I have started to weightlift with one of my friends. I have always disliked weightlifting because I am bad at it. I find it very tough to continue going when I do not see results quickly. This week I tried to view each day as a challenge that would help me get stronger. This positive outlook has helped me stay motivated for the gym. I will try to persevere and make myself better throughout the school year.

Here is  an image with a good growth mindset quote.


  1. This is great, Aakash! I really like the idea that you can start preparing your mind NOW for what is ahead in medical school, just like you might train your muscles for running a marathon. Perfect! So you can lift weights to get strong... and lift some weights with your mind, too, getting strong for medical school. Ha! Just typing this comment makes me want to take a hand weight out with me when I go walking this evening... I think I will!!!

    Happy Friday!!!

  2. Ah it scares me to think that medical school will be the most stressful experience ever. But I like how you said you'll apply the growth mindset philosophy once you're in med school. It is a challenge but that doesn't mean you can't handle it. Consistency and determination are key factors to maintain a good workout schedule. Sometimes it is discouraging to not see results right away. But one day you will, and that will make all the difference.

  3. Hi Akash,
    While I was reading your growth mindset post, I came across a misspelling. You wrote “The path the I chose”, instead of “the”, you might want to change it in to “that”. My goal is to become a physician too. Hopefully I will get there one day. Process of getting in to med school is pretty scary! Best wishes for your future plans.

  4. HI Akash,

    I have heard that medical school is pretty tough. I think it's great that you are so passionate about it! That will make it very easy to maintain a positive outlook on the work. I am sure that you will be totally fine. I am also not very good at working out.. It makes me feel so much better throughout my whole day, but not seeing results after three weeks is disheartening. I think taking that day to day approach would get rid of that impatience

  5. Aakash, I like how you have two different goals to apply your growth mindset project to! you want to get better at school and athletics! This is very admirable! I could say that I feel exactly the same because I have always felt very average at both school and in my athletic abilities. Just a little thing that I noticed... In the first paragraph, you say that you have three things to apply growth mindset to, but it is really only two: school and athletics. Just something I though that I would point out! Great job in making us all think!

  6. Wow, what an insightful perspective in comparing your mental training to your physical training. You're making me want to both go do some crunches and break open my LSAT books! Just maybe not at the same time! haha I"m sure that with your mindset, you will do incredible things!

  7. Akash, I loved reading this growth mindset challenge. It sounds like you are extremely driven and I really admire that! It is amazing that you have this strong desire to become a physician and go to medical school. It takes a certain kind of person to do that job. I have several friends that have started medical school this past year. It definitely is not easy, but it will be worth it in the end! It sounds like your determination is going to get you there. Best of luck to you!
