Thursday, September 10, 2015

Storytelling Week 3: Vibhishana The Spy:

Vibhishana sat in Ravana’s court of advisors. They were all debating on whether to surrender Sita to Rama and his might army or to fight back. The decision was almost unanimous. Every advisor urged Ravana to wage war with Rama except his beloved brother Vibhishana. Ravana questioned Vibhishana loyalty and angrily sentenced him to exile. He then turned to the rest of his advisors and said if there were anymore like his brother they should leave now. Everyone shuddered from fear of the rakshasha king and stayed quiet.

After the meeting, Ravana met privately with his brother before he was to leave. He explained to Vibhishana that his concerns about the war were justified and that Rama’s army is one to be respected. He then explained that only a loyal and smart advisor such as Vibhishana could complete this next task. He explained the details and then presented Vibhishana with a Brahma weapon. “Use this when the time is right”, Ravana said as he left.

Vibhishana travelled to Rama and explained to him how he had been banished. He then told Rama that he would fight alongside him and his army. Rama saw this as a way to gain valuable knowledge about his enemy so he accepted.

Time passed and it was finally the day of the attack. Rama’s army waged a fierce battle with Ravana’s army. Both armies were beginning to deplete rapidly. The war was even until nightfall. The darkness fed the rakshashas dwindling forces. Each rakshasha was three times as strong in the night. With this new advantage they started to turn the tides of the war. They drove Rama’s forces back into the corner. Vibhishana wondered if he would even need to complete the favor Ravana had asked of him.

Morning arrived and Rama’s army was struggling. Then they heard the flap of might wings and heard a loud call. It was Garuda to the rescue. He came and started healing Rama’s fallen army. Vibhishana realized that this was the time to act. He knew if Garuda finished his job, Ravana’s army would be destroyed. Vibhishana posed as a dying soldier. As Garuda approached him, he quickly pulled out the Brahma dagger that Ravana had presented him earlier and stabbed Garuda in the throat. The mighty bird squealed in agony as he burst into flames. Before anyone realized what had just occurred, Vibhishana dashed into hiding.

After this terrible blow to Rama’s army, the rakshasha army quickly took over. Rama realized that he was going to lose the battle so he instructed his army to retreat. Rama screamed to Ravana that he would get his revenge soon.

Ravana then found his brother and named him a war hero. He then promoted his brother Vibhishana to chief advisor and leader of his army. Ravana knew the war was not over but he was happy that he won this battle and devastated Rama’s forces.

In the image Vibhishana leaves Lanka to fight for Rama.

Author’s Note: I added a twist to the banishment of Vibhishana. Instead of him being banished he is actually a spy for Ravana and helps to turn the tide in this battle to Ravana’s favor. I still left the war on a cliffhanger at the end because I still wanted the possibility of Rama winning to exist.

Title: Ramayana Online: Public Domain Edition 

Year: 2014

1 comment:

  1. Hey Aakash!

    I really liked the twist on your story. The theme of brotherhood really interests me because I'm close to my younger brother. So when I read the original story where Vibhishana abandoned his brother to help the enemy, Rama, it was really shocking. I can't imagine ever betraying my brothers. In your version, the brotherhood between Ravana and Vibhishana remains intact which is relieving to me (even though they're the villains). Overall, nice work on your story!
